[admin] [CASE 173269593200419] Chat: HTTP 502 – Bad Gateway

Hello Masood,

Thank you for reaching out regarding the 50=
2 errors you were experiencing with your Application Load Balancer (ALB). I=
wanted to summarize our discussion and the resolution we found:

. Issue Details:
– 502 errors started occurring around 2024-11-27T00=
:04:00 UTC
– Targets were marked as unhealthy at the same time
– You mentioned deleting expired SSL certificates from the Windows IIS se=
rver prior to the issue

2. Root Cause:
– The load balancer =
encountered SSL handshake errors when connecting to the target
– Thi=
s was confirmed by the TargetTLSNegotiationErrorCount metric, which coincid=
ed with the ELB 502 errors

3. Investigation:
– We verified =
that the primary IP of the target instance was not working wi=
th HTTPS requests
– The secondary IP ( was responding c=
orrectly to HTTPS requests
– The ALB was sending traffic to the prim=
ary IP (************) over port 443, as the target was registered by instan=
ce ID

4. Resolution:
– We discussed two potential solutions=
a. Fix the HTTPS configuration on the primary IP
b. Ch=
ange the target group type from instance ID to IP-based, and register the c=
orrect IP

– You implemented option b by creating a new IP-based=
target group with the correct IP, which showed as healthy

After t=
hat everything was working as expected.

I hope I was able to provi=
de sufficient assistance. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have=
any other queries or concerns. It's always a pleasure to help you!
We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this a=
nd other correspondences in the AWS Support Center. You can rate a correspo=
ndence by selecting the stars in the top right corner of the correspondence=

Best regards,
Amazon Web Services


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